Enrollment for Summer Camp 2025 will open in December 2024-March 2025. Applications will be available on our social media accounts, our website, and available in-clinic once enrollment opens.
Premier veterinary enrichment summer camp is a hands-on, interactive camp for young adults ages 14-18. This camp offers each camper the opportunity to experience animal grooming & bathing, proper animal handling, vaccine protocols, boarding protocols, wellness and sick exams, radiography, ultrasound, in-house labwork and parasite identification, dentistry, observe surgeries, and much more.
Each camper attends Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday on their respective weeks. Each week will host two campers. Campers arrive at 7:30 AM & are to be picked up at 5:30 PM. Each camper will get a one hour lunch between 12-1:00 PM. Campers can bring their own lunch or be signed out for their lunch hour. Campers will have access to our employee lounge with a refrigerator, microwave and sitting area.
All campers will receive a camp T-shirt and are expected to wear their shirt each day. Campers may accompany their camp shirt with any solid pant (scrub pants, denim jeans, leggings, etc.) and close-toed shoes. No shorts. No pants with holes. No dangling jewelry. No long or artificial finger nails. Personal electronic devices will not be allowed during camp hours. Campers can leave their cell phone in the manager’s office upon arrival and may retrieve their cellular devices during their lunch hour and when checking out for the day.
It is beneficial for campers to come equipped with a pen, notepad and calculator for note-taking and calculating medications. Campers are expected to actively participate in learning and are highly influenced to come prepared with questions/interests.
Each summer we take a field trip to visit Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine to tour the educational teaching building and the large and/or small animal teaching hospitals. This date will be posted at camp orientation and all campers are invited, along with their parents.
If you have any further questions about our veterinary enrichment summer camp, feel free to call Tera @ 903-617-6072.